
Comprehensive Dental Exams

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You brush your teeth every day. You always remember to floss. People are jealous of your bright smile. Do you really still need to go to the dentist? Yes! Even if you believe your teeth and gums are in incredible shape, it’s still important to come in for a regular comprehensive exam.

What is a Comprehensive Dental Exam?

You can think of a dental exam as something similar to a yearly exam you’d get from your primary doctor, except we focus on everything related to your oral health. The dentist will thoroughly look over your teeth and gums, looking for even the slightest signs of a potential or developing issue.

This visit could include taking X-rays, especially if the dentist believes there might be a dental health problem below the tooth's surface or underneath the gums. A dental exam is also typically accompanied by professional teeth cleaning.

woman getting comprehensive oral exam

Why a Comprehensive Dental Exam is Important

Finding causes for concern before they develop into something more complex is crucial for maintaining good oral health. It can even save your wallet too. If something is left alone for too long, it could later result in a more complicated treatment – or even surgery. If you want to keep your smile healthy and glowing, see your dentist in Birmingham for an exam.

Who Often Do I Need to See the Dentist?

Seeing a dentist for comprehensive exams is extremely important, but how many times should you come in for an appointment? The American Dental Association recommends that you come in at least twice a year or every six months. This allows us to notice any potential issues before they develop into something more serious.

Time for Your Comprehensive Dental Exam in Birmingham?

Ready to make your appointment? The team at Church Family Dental is here to help with many types of dental services. Contact us today.



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